Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

bathing the baby right tips

Not all parents dare to bathe her baby alone. Much of the reason is they do not understand how to properly bathe your baby.

Therefore, not infrequently the parents entrust the matter to the baby sitter, or anyone else who is considered able to bathe the baby.

Babies do not actually need to be bathed every day. How to bathe a baby that has not dried umbilical cord, do not need to be included in a tub filled with water. Simply wiping the importance of it with a soft cloth that has been moistened in the face, hands, head, neck, abdomen, buttocks, and genitalia.

Related issues bath, every baby has different habits. There are babies who like water, some need time to adapt to the water.

For infants who have not liked the water, how to bathe a baby just by wiping it. Related bath time, try to find the most comfortable for the baby. Do not be surprised if later there are bathing the baby at night, as part of the process of relaxation before bed.

Here's how to bathe a baby the right:

  1. Prepare in advance the purposes of a bath, baby soap, cotton wool and cool boiled water, soft flannel cloth, diapers and clean clothes
  2. The contents of warm water into the tub, check the temperature with his elbows. The water should be warm but not hot. Ideally around 28 to 29 degrees centigrade. Oh yes, make sure the room is also warm enough to bathe a baby and not windy.
  3. Open the baby's clothes and wrapped in a towel on your lap.
  4. How to bathe a baby for the eye, the eye with a cotton swab that has been moistened with cold boiled water. Rub the base of the nose to the outer corner of eye.
  5. Hold the neck and shoulders, sabuni and rinse your hands are free. For part of the genitalia, the baby girl, pubic flush with water. Open mouth and gently clean the genitals. For boys, clean the bottom, without pulling foreskin if not circumcised penis.
  6. How to bathe a baby to her back and buttocks area, tengkurapkan baby in hand. Open parts of the butt to clean her anus.
  7. Hold your buttocks and lift. Wrap in a towel, pat to dry. Let the baby wrapped in a towel when you put a shirt and diaper. Be careful in lifting the baby, because his skin is slippery.
Thing to note, how to bathe the baby with clean water will suffice. But if you want to use soap or shampoo, then choose one that is safe for babies, without deodorant and deodorant.

Well, good tips on how to bathe a baby in useful for you, and you are not afraid anymore to practice on your baby.