Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

ASI Mamfaat For Your Baby

Variations in granting Mother's Milk (ASI) can be done by a mother who is breast-feeding. For example, the provision is not necessarily directly from the breast mother, but can be squeezed out and given first and then, because his own mother's milk can be preserved by way of keep it in a thermos or a closed place and clean. ASI can stand six hours at room temperature and 2 x 24 hours when stored dilemari ice. Thus she can give milk without her presence.

Why Need to extort milk?
ASI juice is very beneficial for all healthy babies, especially when she faced the situation as follows:
- Low birth weight infants.
- Newborns less healthy.
- Mom to work, and proceed as follows:
 & NbspPeraslah as much as possible before she departed and left the babies home.

ASI Advantages
- Composition is most suitable for the needs of infants. Containing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals &
 & Nbsphormonal baby needs.
- Increase the infant immune to disease.
- Widening the length of pregnancy.
- Easy to use.
- Reinforcement of affection between mother and baby.
   BEST BABY FOOD breastmilk only until at least six months

What gains Menetekkan?
- Reducing bleeding after childbirth.
- Restore the state of the mother's body before birth.
- With the ASI could be more frugal.
- ASI easily given when and where the course.
- Mothers can establish a more intimate inner relationship with the baby.
- Mothers can more easily identify the nature and willingness baby.

Why Babies Need milk?
- Breast milk contains all the nutrients a baby needs.
- Through penetekan cultivate ties of affection that are essential for development and intelligence & nbspanak.
- Breast milk that came out in the first days (jolong milk or colostrum) contains antibodies.
- Clean and easy to be given breast milk.

Role of Colostrum for Infant
- Colostrum is the milk that came out in the first days (also called milk jolong) and salmon-colored & nbspkuningan.
- Colostrum is a special food for infants is needed by the baby before the milk out.
- Colostrum looks so different, but very important drunk by the baby. It contains immune substances that protect babies & nbspdapat of the disease.
- It is the first food to be given to infants.
- Give Colostrum just until milk came out.